Earn While You Learn!
Be the Best Parent You Can Be!
Wouldn't it be great to KNOW that you are being a GREAT parent? ...to know that you are doing what you need to do to raise your child right? ...and to be earning the items you need for your baby while you are learning? Contact us today for more information about our Earn While You Learn program!

Pregnancy and parenting are filled with lots of uncertainty. This program helps to answer many of the questions you have and ease your anxiety. You can Earn While You Learn. With each lesson you complete you will earn credits for baby supplies and other materials.
Many people want to learn how to be good parents and raise a healthy, happy child.
The We Care staff is available to provide support and resources during this time of transition and change.
The lessons are fun, interesting and practical. We can help you learn how to be the best parent you can be!

Earn things your baby needs!
As a part of our Earn While You Learn Parenting Program, we give you an opportunity to earn credits that you can use to "purchase" materials such as maternity clothes, baby clothes, baby blankets, diapers, formula and much more! All new or gently used items are donated to We Care Pregnancy Center and from time to time we receive items like cribs, strollers and other baby furniture. These items are then available to you to purchase with your "Baby Bucks".

We would LOVE to have you involved in our program and show you the supplies and materials you can earn from our center!
Please Contact Us today!
The FirstTrimester
Prenatal Care
Going It Alone
Your Developing Baby
What's Safe, What Isn't
Bonding With Your Baby
Your Changing Body
The Second Trimester
A Look At Adoption
Reducing the Risk of SIDS
Amazing Talents Of Your Baby
Your Baby's Secret World
The Third Trimester
Getting Ready for Baby
Eye Contact Means Love
Infant Temperament
The Importance of Bonding
Infant Massage
Newborn Care
Crying, Colic and Sleep
Caring for Yourself
The First Years Last Forever
Safe and Healthy Environment
Parent Child Relationship
Quality Child Care
Car Seat Safety
Your Baby Can Sleep
Discipline with Love
Food for Growth
Breast Feeding Basics
Your Child's Development
Never Shake a Baby
Ready to Learn
Happiest Baby on the Block
Protecting Your Child from Molestation
Toilet Training
1-2-3 Magic
Testing and Manipulation Counting in Action
7 Tactics of Good Behavior
10 Strategies for Self Esteem
Building Self-Esteem
How to Really Love Your Child
The Key to Discipline
Power Struggles
A Lasting Legacy
Teaching the Bible
What Type of Parent Are You
Your Child's Personality Overcoming Destroyer of Families
Providing Loving Support
Setting Limits with Love
Developing a Close-Knit Family
Ten Ways to Motivate Your Child
The Seeds of Self Esteem
Make Your Child Feel Special Money Management 101
Basics of Budgeting
Checking Accounts
Positive Credit
Saving for the Future
Apartment Renting 101
Conflict Resolution Furnishing and Decorating
How to Clean Your Home
Time Management
Shopping for a Car
Insurance Needs
Using a Recipe
Surviving the Checkout
Menu Planning
Crystal Meth
Fetal Alcohol Exposure
What could I learn?
Through regular lessons that include videos and worksheets, you'll learn important and interesting information about your pregnancy and your baby.
There are a number of topics to choose from and our staff will put together a lesson plan that is unique to your needs. And best of all, you will work with a parenting instructor who will be able to help you better understand the challenges and joys that lie ahead for you and your baby.
Here are some of the topics that could be covered:
See what others have to say about our Earn While You Learn Program:
"This program has been a blessing for me. I am expecting my fourth child and I have learned so much I never knew about. I have the ability to learn and to earn Mommy Money to be able to purchase anything from diapers to clothes. This program has helped me and everyone is so wonderful here."
Deena, Mother of 3 children, expecting the 4th
"I really appreciate this program. It's interesting and a lot of help to me and my family. I really didn't know how I was going to make it before I took these classes!"
Mother of a 3 year-old & infant
"I enjoy the knowledge I receive in the Earn While You Learn classes. I was amazed by the amount of information I was given. It all makes me feel more comfortable with what I am going through, because I know more about what to expect."
Nichole, Expecting Mother